Friday, August 8, 2008

Reflecting on 12 weeks

Erin is 12 weeks old today. With her reaching this milestone it has me reflecting on Kyle turning 12 weeks, and how different it is with Erin. When Kyle turned 12 weeks he was enjoying his second day at KinderCare. I was sitting at Bronson Methodist Hospital likely spending a second day trying to plow through 12 weeks of email messages.

Now I am home. I haven't spent the past 12 weeks thinking about how much of my maternity leave had already passed and how short the time was until I returned to work. While I work from home 10-15 hours a week, it's on my own schedule. No walking out the door at 6:45am to make it to work. My kids can wake up when they want, rather than when they need to for the work day. (Although lately that has been early enough to leave at 6:45!)

I wouldn't be being honest, though, if I didn't say that there are times when I miss being an at work worker. Being able to be more focused, feel accomplishment in a career sense, and, well, pee by myself. Enjoying adult conversation and solving problems as a team. Being able to run an errand on my lunch hour without kids and car seats, or have lunch with a friend. But, I gladly trade all of that for what I have now with Kyle and Erin.

Happy 12 weeks, Erin. Mommy's thrilled and blessed to be home hugging you today, sweetie.


Larissa said...

How sweet!

They grow up WAY too fast!


I still can't get over how much she looks like her big brother!!

Jessica said...

That photo is the cutest! She's sure growing and smiling so beautiful.

Jessica said...

Since you posted this yesterday I take it that you are not on the canoe trip. Did Mike go? Craig is there. He just called a few minutes ago and they are having a great time as usual. They had great weather on the river yesterday.

Anonymous said...

What a cute picture!!! I completely know what you mean about working mom (outside of the home) vs. stay at home mom. Both have their pros and cons. You and your children are so lucky to have you at home! I know you are enjoying every minute, as are Kyle and Erin.


Colleen said...

Happy 12 weeks Erin!

Anonymous said...

awwww i can't believe it's been 12 weeks! she's such a dollbaby:)