Monday, August 25, 2008

Blessings on Erin

Yesterday we stood before God and promised to grow with Erin in the Christian faith and help her become a faithful member of the church of Jesus Christ by celebrating Christ's presence, furthering His mission in all the world, and by offering the nurture of the Christian. We did this as Erin was baptised at our church by Pastor Jeffrey Dick. We could not have asked for a nicer service, or one that was more fitting for Erin's baptism.

God also provided us with a beautiful afternoon so we could celebrate Erin's baptism by cooking out. It was a really great day.

Erin... you are so blessed, and we are so blessed to have you.
Mike's brother, Mark, and his wife, Kimberly, are Erin's Godparents.
Kyle spontaneously leaned over to kiss and hug Erin. It was so sweet.
We joke that this may be Erin's future husband, especially since they have matching red hair. Maverick is the son of friends Doug and Beth. Their daughter is Kyle's age.


Mamma Mia said...

Great pics Laura! I can't believe how big Erin is getting!

the mom~ said...

Awwww....what a beautiful day.

Jessica said...

Praise God, from Whom all blessing flow.....