Sunday, August 3, 2008

Flipping over the Flip

I got a Flip video camera from Mike for my birthday a couple weeks ago, and I am loving it! The camera fits in my pocket it is so small, yet takes good video. Then, when you're ready, you just push a button on the side and a USB port pops out. You download directly into the computer and you can post videos on wonderful blogs like this one. :-) You can also save them to DVD, and there is a cable that allows you to watch them on TV. Here's the Flip:

They come in different colors, but mine is the orange one shown. We do have a video camera already, but for casual shooting this is so handy. I see it as a similar revolution as the digital camera. With film cameras you didn't want to waste film, with digital you can take as many pictures as you want and just print what you like. With our tape digital camera I never wanted to mess with rewinding to get rid of something that didn't come out, and I'd wind up with "junk" in between the good stuff. With the Flip if I'm trying to get video of a particular toddler who does not want to cooperate with his director, I can just delete the file.

Here are a couple films with my little stars. The one of Kyle makes me laugh out loud each time, it is sooooo Kyle. And Erin is adorable because she is becoming so much more vocal.


Colleen said...

Kyle is just so funny! Totally looks like something Megan would do. She loves those bouncy things. Erin is such a doll. Love her story! :)

Jessica said...

Kyle is have so much fun and Erin is really telling a story.

I need on of those video cameras!

Anonymous said...

Oh! I forgot you got that! I will check out the videos when I go home tonight!

Crystal said...

I love those videos! You have such a good voice on camera. I sound like a redneck man. LOL The first time you called it took me a minute because I *thought* you would sound differently.