Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Flipping the "odometer"

There is a significance to this picture:
I will tell you in a round about way. A memory I have from high school is the whole family piling into the Plymouth Volare station wagon my family owned and going for a drive one summer evening. Our Scottish Terrier, Angus, went, and we even stopped and got my grandma from the Whitcomb to go along with us. After all, it was a momentous occasion. The car odometer was about to flip back to zero. We drove up M63, all strained to see the numbers as it flipped and whooped and hollered like a bunch of rednecks or something. Then we went out for ice cream (Angus got a bowl of water, which other patrons assumed was his own ice cream!) Silly in a way, but the spontaneity and fun of the trip is etched in my mind so that the experience is still vivid more than 20 years later. Those are memories worth making.

In 2004 I shot this picture:
It was my Pontiac Sunfire flipping past 100,000 miles. Mike and I were on a road trip, we'd been to the NASCAR race in Bristol, TN. I'm sure I missed the 100,000 mile moment by 63 miles because the scenery was so beautiful on the drive home. I remember, though, being disappointed that it didn't happen in Michigan. I'd wanted to surprise my parents by picking them up for ice cream and watching the numbers. (Although there is no flipping back to zero anymore.)

So the picture above, with Kyle peeking at the baby chicks? It saved as image ooo1 on my camera. Yep, I flipped the "odometer" on my camera. I took the first picture with my Canon Rebel XTi on October 6, 2006. That means in 680 days I took 10,000 pictures. Even I am astounded by that. That is an average of close to 15 a day. But keep in mind that with digital I am all about quantity to get some quality. The fair pictures in the next post were narrowed to a dozen. I took 77 pictures at the fair, which is actually pretty tame for how many I've taken at an event like that before.

And now you all know why I have needed to purchase external hard drives. :-)

And Nan, if you read this, I'm sure you've beat me hands down on photo counts!


Valerie said...

That's actually pretty cool!

Anonymous said...

That is so cool Laura! Along that lines, my first car was a 1968 Plymouth Valiant. My parents used to go away on the weekends, and my dad would write down the mileage on the car before he left. Well, guess what we figured out? When you drove in reverse, the mileage also went backwards. Awww, the fun we had driving backwards in the church parking lot. Cars certainly don't do that anymore either! LOL!

Colleen said...

What a memory! and Christine...too funny!