Saturday, August 16, 2008

Happy three month birthday, Erin!!

Erin continues to be a happy-go-lucky baby. The vast majority of the time all you have to do is look at her and she will break into a big grin. Erin loves to talk, and will talk to you any time you look at her. She coos and babbles up a storm, and her big brother is so cute about it. When she talks Kyle runs up to her and says, “What?” and, “Yeah?” repeatedly.

She is also very easy going, which is great since she has to adjust to her brother’s and mom’s schedule a lot of the time, which means having her mom try and get her into the car seat without waking her up a lot. I think because of this she doesn’t really seem to have a daytime schedule of her own yet. She goes to sleep for the night around nine, and will wake up around two and again around five to eat. She will then sleep again until about seven. The daytime is basically just an on and off nap based on what’s going on. Left to her own devices it’s not unusual for her to take a five hour nap!

Erin is really strong already and holds her head up with no problem. She sits in her Bumbo seat with ease and in the swing and bouncy I often see her straining to sit up more on her own; I think she will sit on her own early. She rolled from her belly to her back one day this week. She also puts quite a bit of weight onto her feet when you stand her up. Erin is already getting good at "playing" with toys, too. She has a couple of toys that hang on her car seat and she is really good at batting at them and making contact with them.

Erin spent her first night away from home this month when her parents went on their canoe trip. She spent the night at Nana’s house, and word is she was a perfect angel. Her mom is not surprised because she agrees, of course! I’m sure the night apart was harder on Mommy than on Erin!

Our love for little Erin continues to grow and grow. We are so blessed.

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