After a rough lead up to her birthday, Erin ended up having a good birthday! She had a fever starting on Tuesday evening, and by Friday we were at the doctor because it was 103. No indication of anything other than a virus, though. Saturday morning it was clear as day though when she woke up with a roseola rash. The rash always comes after the virus, so by Saturday she was good to go. And since everyone in the world over one has had roseola and is contagious for life, according to my Baby 411 book, I didn't have to worry about Erin infecting anyone.
So Erin got to go out for breakfast on her birthday, wearing her Birthday Girl shirt and First Birthday hat. She got lots of attention. And since we'd canceled her party already, we ended up going out for dinner, too, where again she got lots of attention.
We were able to have her party on Sunday and it was a beautiful day. We had a great time with our families here, and Erin got some super presents.
Here is the picture I used on Erin's birthday party invitations.
Erin opening gifts from us on her birthday.
Erin's party on Sunday. I was amazed when she opened the doll. How incredible nature is... she is a mothering nurturer already. The first thing she did was hold that doll tight and hug it. She hugs and kisses it all the time. What a sweet girl Erin is!
She is too adorable! I can see a lot more of Kyle in her now, too. So sweet with the baby doll! Did you make the cake? It looks fabulous!
I absolutely love that hat!! I'm glad her first birthday was great after all!
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