Friday, May 1, 2009

Parked it this week

Ahhhh, we hit the park this week for the first time! It rained all week here for the most part, but we had a break in it Wednesday afternoon and met up with friends at the big park in town. Kyle was in heaven, he so desperately needed a good romp outside. Erin also had fun, although she pretty much only got to swing and be pushed around in the stroller. She did a little walking, but the pea stone would not have been too conducive to her early balancing stages.
Here are some pictures from the park.

Swings... the group shot includes Sasha on the left and Laine on the right.
Monkeying around with Laine.
Sand box with Romy.
Erin in the stroller.
Moms Mary Jane and Rachel with Laine.
Kyle tried the slide every way he could think of.
Kyle's friend Carly.
Good balance.


Sara said...

Looks like a lot of fun!! It rained a lot here this past week as well, so I know what you mean about the kids needing to get outside.

Crystal said...

Great pics! That looks like a neat park!

the mom~ said...

Cute! For the first time I can see Kyle in Erin, in the one close up with her hat on! Beautiful kids!

nana said...

Love the pics...2 wks from today I will be there to help Erin celebrate being "1" soooo
anxious to see the kids...can't believe Erin is walking!!