Friday, May 22, 2009

Summer vacation!!

We're on summer vacation in our house now. Well, some of us. Summer for Mike is the BUSY time. But Kyle had his last day of school on Wednesday, his last day of play group on Thursday, and he's foot loose and fancy free for the summer now. I'm really looking forward to this. I'm hoping to let Erin finally have a little bit of a schedule of her own, rather than one that revolves around Kyle. I'm looking forward to being spontaneous in our days, yet at the same time having a bit more routine in our scheduling. I'm excited to have fun day trips to the beach, museums, and play dates with friends.

Here are some things that marked this week leading up to summer.

Tuesday night KidZone had a preschool graduation. While Kyle was not one of the graduates, he did participate in the ceremony. Here is a picture from it. I won't share the video, which is every other preschooler singing and Kyle standing with his finger in his mouth. Oh, and doing the crab walk. Yep, that's my boy. Kyle's last play group was a picnic in the park. It was really fun. It makes me sad to know that it was literally his last play group. Next year he will be in school on Thursdays, so it will just be Erin and I going. He really loved play group and I'm hoping he will be enjoying school so much he won't realize he doesn't get to go anymore. Here are some park pictures.
Mark and Kimberly (Mike's brother and his wife) gave us their swingset since they're kids have outgrown it. Kyle is loving it and I'm sure he's going to be on it every day this summer. And another sign of summer is this. Kyle wore shorts for the first time this week. Less than a half an hour later he was sporting his first skinned knee. Poor kid. Not to mention that his shins are basically a patchwork of bruises. He is rough and tumble I tell you. So bring on the dirt, sweat, sunscreen, bug spray, beach sand and every other kind of grime. As much as I like being clean, I am ready for SUMMER!!


the mom~ said...

Nothing is better than summer after 6 LONG months of winter! And I love baths every night too...makes me grateful for summer and BOYS!

Colleen said...

love days at the park and playing around. I'm sure Kyle will get lots of use out of the "new" swingset!

Jessica said...

Loving summer time!

P.S. You might want to delete that strange comment. Looks like a virus to me. I started getting a bunch of those and I had to turn on comment word verification to stop them.

Laura said...

Jessica... it won't delete, grrr. I even went through a blogger help process and it won't come off. I did add the word verification to my comment settings, though. Thanks!