Friday, October 31, 2008

Erin's photo shoot

When Kyle was a baby we had more time to just kind of hang out with nothing to do. Erin's babyhood involves much more action because Kyle is action-oriented. As a result, looking through Kyle's scrapbook recently I realized that Kyle and I did a lot more baby photo shoots than I've done with Erin. Yesterday while Kyle napped and Erin was awake I decided to pull the camera out for some shots. The great thing about Erin and photos is that it doesn't take a lick of work to get her to smile!
And for fun, here is Kyle's naked Bumbo picture. He was a month younger than Erin is now. :-)

1 comment:

Mamma Mia said...

I can't believe how cute she is... Making me want to have another one of my own!!! Her and Kyle look so differnt, both cuter than ever though!