Saturday, October 11, 2008

Funnies from Kyle

Kyle has been full of cute/funny things lately. I *so* love that he can talk!! Here are a few to share...

Because at school he has Miss Laurie and Miss Rachel as teachers, and at the gym Miss Julie teaches his Dash and Splash class, he is used to calling people Miss. Soooo, it only follows that he would start calling me Miss Mommy.

While Kyle and I were in the locker room at the gym getting ready to go in the pool (pre-cast) Kyle decided to point at my chest saying, "One milk, two milk." The woman next to us thought it was pretty funny, as did I. (It didn't dawn on me until the next day that I hope she didn't think I was still nursing Kyle!)

When Kyle has a time out he sits in a chair near the kitchen and I set the timer on the microwave. When it beeps he knows he's done. Today he heard it beep, got down, and said, "Thank you timer."

As I tried to get Kyle to like his cast I would sometimes knock on it and say, "Helllooooo!" We were in the car and I heard him knocking on it and saying, "Helllooooo! Doctor come ouuuuttttt!"

A conversation we had:
Kyle: See Mulligan's belly button, Mommy?
Me: Mulligan doesn't have a belly button, honey.
Kyle: Yes, Mommy, see here. Belly button.
Me: Ahhhhh, noooooo, Kyle, that's not a belly button.

And tonight Kyle needed to eat some corn if he wanted to have some ice cream for dessert. This was a new excuse on me, because he told me the corn was "too tasty" to eat. LOL. He did eat some, so when I gave him a small bowl of ice cream he said, "Yay, Mommy, you did it!"


Larissa said...

OMG, what a chatter! We *definitely* need to find an excuse to get him and Greyson in the same room together again... I can only IMAGINE (or actually, CAN'T imagine!) the things they would come up with together!!! HA!

the mom~ said...

He is so cute, reminds me of my boys!!!

Anonymous said...

He is so cute! What a silly!!

Jessica said...

That's no a belly button..... LOL!!

Anonymous said...

How funny! such a big talker:)