Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween extravaganza!

We managed to stretch Halloween out over the whole week, which was fine with all of us! On Monday night we surprised my parents at their favorite hamburger joint with the kiddos in costume. Thursday Kyle had a Halloween party at play group, and we carved a pumpkin that night. And last night, of course, was trick or treating. Kyle made out like a pirate with all his treasure! Here are some pics from the week of our monkey and banana.

Kyle with my parents, and then bellying up to the bar.
Kyle at play group with a friend, and then with Erin and I.
Pumpkin carving... it was a powertool carving session! We asked Kyle if he wanted to touch the inside and he kept saying, "I can't." LOL
Halloween night.
Is this really a dog, or a big person dressed up like a dog???
Kyle with his cousin Jack.


Valerie said...

Love the costume choice! Too cute!

Mamma Mia said...

I love the monkey and the banana! So cute! Connor didn't want to take off his costume, he was a lion!

the mom~ said...

OMGosh those costumes are perfect!!!