Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Kyle's first day of preschool

Oh. My. Goodness. School! Kyle started preschool this morning -- can you believe it? I figured it wouldn't really be one of those teary first day of school moments for me because it is at the same place he's been going two morning a week already, but it was. Just look at my little boy looking all grown up and proud with his big backpack and lunch box... both of which he chose himself. How incredible!

Kyle is sort of going to preschool by default. I hadn't planned to send him this year yet, but he has been going to daycare two mornings a week so I can get some report work in, and they have preschool. This week he officially moved up to the preschool room and will be getting preschool curriculum two mornings a week. (Although he does already know his colors, shapes, and all the letters!!)

He's growing so fast! ((tears))


Jessica said...

I have a picture of Caleb exactly like that on his first day of kindergarten. I cried more on his last day of high school than his first day of kindergarten. Caleb's high school graduation was very emotional for me.

Yesterday was his first day of college. He asked me if I was going to get the camera out and pose him again. I should have just to spite him!!

Before you know it, it will be Kyle's first day of college. It goes so fast....

Valerie said...

Look how cute he is! Just imagine not before too long he will be starting kindergarten!