Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I've been tagged

I was tagged on a friend's blog to fill out what we have been told is called a Meme. Hmm. Curiousity got me to Google it and I got this: At its most basic, an Internet meme is simply the propagation of a digital file or hyperlink from one person to others using methods available through the Internet (for example, email, blogs, social networking sites, instant messaging, etc.) Anyway, I have been challenged to fill this out, share the rules, and tag another blogger. So here goes.

The rules are:
Link to the person who tagged you.
Mention the rules on your blog.
Tell six (6) unspectacular quirks about you.
Tag six (6) fellow bloggers by linking to them.
Leave a comment in each of their blogs to let them know they have been tagged.

Here goes…
1. I am addicted to books. If I had unlimited money I would likely buy several a day because I know of at least that many daily that I want to read/buy. The problem is, with a toddler and an infant I do not have time to read. Yet I continue to buy. Thus why I have a pile of books I want to get to. And don’t even talk to me about magazines.

2. I am obsessed with the couch pillows being where they belong and the couch blankets being folded. My husband, unfortunately, has the exact opposite obsession. I am working on this, but I still cannot go to bed without the front room being organized. It starts my day off on the wrong foot if I come down the stairs to pillows and blankets everywhere.

3. I have come to the conclusion that I have child-onset ADD. I did not have this before I had children, so it has to be child-onset. Although I just told Mike that it could be because I have literally not gotten a full night of sleep in more than a year. Maybe three. Wait, what I am talking about here? I’ve lost my train of thought. Train? Yeah, Kyle’s birthday party will probably be a Thomas the Train one.

4. Along the same lines, I think I used to be smarter. I thought this last night as we were listening to Karl Rove speak at Economic Club. I think back to when I worked for Fred Upton, worked on Capitol Hill, and lived just outside of Washington, DC. I used to grab the Washington Post from outside the front door before I even went to the bathroom in the morning to make sure I didn’t miss some big news event overnight. Being well briefed on news these days just isn’t happening.

5. I love taking pictures, as evidenced by the fact that in less than two years I have taken 10,600 pictures on my Canon Rebel XTi. No wonder I am way behind on my scrapbooking! I want to learn more about being a better photographer, but seem to be too busy taking pictures, LOL.

6. I am a clutter person. No matter how hard I try, I have clutter. I've always had a clutter room… one that I could quickly dump all the clutter in, shut the door, and my house could be “company ready” in literally moments. Someone could pull up, and I could have the clutter thrown in there before they were done knocking on the door. Y’all thought I was neat, didn’t you? Nope. BUT, now the clutter room is a playroom and I have no clutter room. It kills me, I tell you.

Okay… now, who to tag since Valerie already got a number of the bloggers I know. I will tag Christine, Carol, Mia, Jessica, Crystal, and Sarah.


Anonymous said...

how funny! i think i have child-onset ADD too... i think the only cure is a monthly mommy-pampering kid-free day;) hehehe

Jessica said...

I'm so late in responding. Looks fun and it gives me something to blog about!