Thursday, September 25, 2008

Sticks and stones may break my bones... or couches...

Well, for Kyle it was a couch. Mike and I have wondered several times while watching our fearless daredevil how long it would be before he broke a bone. We guessed it would be before age five. Well, it was before age three.

This morning while we were getting ready to go to play group Kyle and I raced to over to the window to watch a military plane zooming by. Kyle was standing on the couch pillows, and as I turned to pick Erin up he either jumped over the arm of the couch or fell over the arm of the couch. Either way, there are stairs there and he had a uneven hard landing. As seen here...

Kyle was really shook up. He was sobbing and trembling. I held him and held him, and then he wanted to lay down and I got him his blankie, puppy and heen (pacifier). After a few minutes, through his little sobs he kept saying, "P-p-play g-g-group?" I asked him if he really still wanted to go to play group and he was pretty adamant he did. I figured it would take his mind off the fall, and I could watch to see if any part of him seemed hurt. He seemed a little protective of his wrist, but not too much. When I asked him where it hurt he kept telling me, "Got hurt right there, Mommy," and pointing to the couch, LOL.

We did play group and he was fairly clingy and quiet. As we were leaving he asked if we were going to McDonald's, as we usually do with some of the other moms, and he was sure he wanted to go. It became very clear in the PlayPlace that he definitely had hurt his wrist. After putting his weight on it he started crying a lot again. I figured two more hours wasn't going to make a difference for his wrist,and we headed home for his nap first. Without the nap it would have made a huge difference in how smooth the ER visit went!

Kyle was a trooper in the ER. When we got into the room to do the x-rays there was a small bathroom off to the side. As we got ready to get on the table Kyle said, "Go potty, Mommy. Go potty." I looked at him and said, "You've had no interest in potty training and NOW you want to go potty?? I don't think so!"

After the x-rays came back and were read the diagnosis was a buckle fracture. It is common in young children because when they put their hand out to stop a fall the bone buckles on one side. He has a splint on it tonight and we need to call the orthopedic doctor in the morning. We will find out then if he wants to put a cast on it.

While we were in the ER Kyle had to make sure that the doctor knew that his train's name was Toby. And also that doctors say, "No more monkeys jumping on the bed." LOL

So here's Kyle with his splint. He was not happy to get it on at all, but he has been doing well with it. It helped that he had an Elmo cupcake to eat from Aunt Beth. ;-) You can also see it isn't stopping the playing, and it hasn't slowed him down at all.


Larissa said...

Poor Kyle! Good to see that he is doing so well, even with his first *BIG* accident!!

I keep waiting for the day with Greyson... so far, so good (knock on wood!)

Give him some extra kisses from me!

Mamma Mia said...

Laura, I had to laugh... The couch picture with the stick figure drawn in is too funny. I am sorry Kyle broke his wrist. I can just see Connor doing something like that... I am dreading that day... Big hugs to all of you!

Crystal said...

I agree...the stick pic is hilarious! I feel awful for Kyle though. Poor guy! Hope he is doing better.

Valerie said...

Poor Kyle! I hope he makes a speedy recovery. However I do have to laugh at the stick re-creation. Too funny!

Colleen said...

What a trooper! LOL at the stick figure though!

Jessica said...

Poor little guy! Looks like he's adapted well to the cast from the photos.