Thursday, April 24, 2008

I'm going to count to three, Mommy

I think counting is a fairly common discipline method. As in, “Kyle, I am going to count to three, and if you [jump on Mulligan, throw your car, climb into the window sill… insert any number of things here] one more time you will get a time out.” I will then count to three, holding up my fingers as I do it.

Kyle is slightly amused by this, and likes to hold up his fingers as I count. (Not the right fingers, but that’s what he has in mind.) While it’s hard not to laugh at him joining in, this alone often distracts him from his activity and we avoid the time out.

A couple days ago I was sitting taking a break on the couch. This is rarely okay with Kyle, who wants me in on whatever he is doing. So there he was, pushing on my shoulder, telling me, “Up! Up! Up!” I told him that I needed to rest a minute and I wasn’t getting up yet. He persisted with telling me to get up.

Then he held his fingers up and began to count me.


Valerie said...

It's totally not fun when they apply your discipline techniques on you. ROFL

the mom~ said...

OMgosh, that is great. Did it work?