Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Evil Knievel lives on

Since Kyle was taking his first steps he has been a bit of a daredevil. He has no fear whatsoever, leaping with wild abandon, racing head on into anything and everything. This picture at just over a year says it all:

When we bought a sectional couch and ottoman last summer he made it his mission to jump from one side of the couch to the ottoman, to the other side, to the ottoman, etc. as his daily work out. How far the ottoman was from either side of the couch was irrelevant; no distance was too great.

This week we had another look at Kyle's mission to be daring. He clearly has some Evil Knievel in him. Remember Evil's death-defying leaps over rows of cars? Well, Kyle figures this is how he began in that line of work.

The set-up:

The jump:

The success was so great in leaping over this row of 14 cars that Kyle did it again... and again... and again. He found it very entertaining!


Valerie said...

It's amazing how they have no fear, isnt it?

the mom~ said...

too cute, now lets just hope he doesnt do that in a real car in 20 years, EEKKK!!!