Monday, April 28, 2008

Bloom where you are planted

This phrase was one I had heard before, and thought was a good one about making the most of what you have and being content with your life. I did a Google search on it, and realized it actually comes back with connections to several Bible verses: 1st Corinthians 7:17-24, Matthew 12:1-9, and Matthew 13:31-22.

Bloom where you are planted is a good message to follow. While we may not always choose the path that we are given, we can choose how to respond to that path. You can bloom -- or be happy and make the most of life, or you can wither -- and be gloomy and sad over things that are not exactly as planned.

There is a reason this phrase came to my mind. I recently looked out over a flower bed that I planted last year. I was really looking at it to see if the hostas planted there were coming up yet. Those, and some day lilies and pachysandra, are the only perennials planted there.

I was so surprised to look and see this:

I did not plant that, and it certainly hadn't been there before since I love bulb flowers and would not have missed it. It was beautiful!

All I can figure is that last year when we tore out the old wooden porch at the front of the house and replaced it with a dyed and stamped concrete porch, that bulb had been under it. There were day lilies around the porch, and I dug them all out and moved them. I never saw a daffodil bloom in the front before, so I can only assume it was under the porch enough that it never really had a chance to reach its potential.

Now, in its new location, it has embraced life and has chosen to bloom where it is planted. As a lesson to all of us!


Unknown said...

Funny, that was the message of the night at the women's banquet that Colleen and I went to. It was a very powerful message, and one that Colleen and I walked away from feeling thankful for being planted where we were right then. Great reminder. :muah:

Valerie said...

Ohhh this is something I struggle with all the time. Longing for "home" even though Im already there.

Unknown said...

I was going to write that Jenn and I had went to the Spring Delight and that being the message for the evening...but she's already done that! It is a very powerful and moving statement...thank you for that!

Anonymous said...

How lovely. Beautiful thoughts Laura. :^) I remember Shawn telling me that when we had to endure a long separation while we were dating.