Tuesday, May 31, 2011

My gardens... so far

I love this walled in garden. It is mostly perennials, and I get so excited when they come up bigger and more bountiful each year. I am really excited to plan out gardens for our new house and property. I saw a book on Amazon called the companion perennial or something like that. It talks about pairing up your plants in ways that the heights and blooms all match and provide beautiful gardens all summer. Ahhh... it makes me happy to think about it.This is the garden by the back deck. This fall I plan to removed the hostas and take them out to the property. They are getting pushed out by the ground coverings... myrtle and pachysandra. There are also day lilies in the back, and I had pansies grow again from last year in the front. To the right are lilies and black-eyed susans.I have two main areas left to work on. One will be a challenge because when Mike put the new water line in last fall it really ripped up my garden. The other is not too big, but has a lot of stuff that needs pulled right now.


the mom~ said...

WHAT, you're moving?!?!

nana said...

Laura...your gardens look GREAT!!