Monday, May 23, 2011

Erin's Third Birthday

Catching up, I'm posting about Erin's third birthday. She had a party the day before the big day, with her Nana, Grandpa, Aunt Beth, Uncle Troy, Jack and Brett joining us. She had a lot of fun, and was spoiled with some great gifts. She liked every one of them!

At three Erin is still sweet and cuddly, but also forceful and assertive. She will shout no at you if she doesn't want to do what she is asked. She will whine and cry to try to get what she wants. We have entered the terrible threes, which is really what it is... two is still easy.

Erin is a girly girl, yet also a tom boy. She loves being a mommy to her dolls and dressing herself. At the same time, she copies Kyle in his boyish ways and we see a lot of that shining through. It's great when we hear it in the poop, burps and farts references... not!

Here are some pictures from her party. On her actual birthday she got to go out with Gran, Papa and Aunt Beth to Dairy Queen for lunch.

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