... with a busy life! Ahh, we have been busy. Here's a peek at a typical day, and why I didn't even manage a Wordless Wednesday yesterday!
Up and at 'em! Getting myself, Kyle and Erin fed, showered for me, dressed and ready to get in the car.
Out the door to take Kyle to school. Meet up with Kristine so I can hand Erin off to her and we switch cars because of car seats. Back into school to volunteer in Kyle's classroom.
Done at Kyle's school. Meet up with Kristine again to get Erin and switch cars back. Then home.
Lunch and first attempt at putting Erin down for a nap. No go.
Second attempt to get Erin down, and I lay down for a few minutes to try to get a break from the raging cold I have. No go for either of us, since it's a nap refusal day for Erin.
Try to work on some things for W.I.L.D. Wednesday at church, check my email, straighten up the house, etc. while also entertaining my non-sleeper.
Go pick up Kyle from school. Erin falls asleep on the way home.
Try to finish up the W.I.L.D. stuff and get stuff ready for work, while entertaining kids and getting them snacks.
Out the door to W.I.L.D Wednesday, where I am one of the leaders.
Drop Kyle back at home (Mike already had picked Erin up from church) and I leave to do American Greetings at both Dollar Tree and WalMart. After I finish the cards at WalMart I pick up a few things we need.
Back home. Try to go through some pictures to get a print order in before my scrapbooking weekend
Picture order uploaded, ready for bed, climb in.
Still laying awake. Realize I never posted a Wordless Wednesday. Decide to do this post. :)