Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Happy birthday, Kyle!!

My sweet boy turned five today -- a whole hand old! It's hard to believe the time has gone by so fast. At this time five years ago we were sitting in the hospital holding our wide awake newborn. Kyle entered the world at 4:28 pm, and then quietly spent the next six or seven hours awake, just looking around and taking it all in. We just gazed at our new bundle of joy, amazed at his temperment and beauty. (Okay, I admit it, we also watched the new episode of Lost.)

There hasn't been a day that I haven't felt so blessed to have Kyle. I cannot imagine any other boy in our lives. While he can try my patience like no other, he quickly has my smile back. He tests me, pushes his boundaries, and steps over the line into being independent, like any other five year old, and we love him for it. He is so smart, so thoughtful, and has such a good heart.

Kyle... like I did five years ago (actually five years and nine months ago!), and every day since, I love you to the moon and back. Heck, through the entire galaxy and back. LOVE YOU, BUB!


nana said...

Love you, Kyle...forever and ever and always...you will be my special 5 yr old for 1 whole year!!

the mom~ said...

Happy birthday to your sweet little 5 year old! He has been a blessing for sure!