Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Sahara Desert

That's what this dry spell feels like. I can't believe I haven't made a blog post in two full weeks! It doesn't seem that long, we've just been going through all the normal busy-ness of our lives. We've had all the normal things, like preschool, the gym, playgroup, etc. I also got to enjoy a day of scrapbooking and a night out with the girls. Yesterday we went to a birthday party (happy sixth birthday Jack and Joey!) and dinner with some friends. So here are some tide-you-over pictures until I am inspired with something meaningful to write. :-)

Here is Erin's 10 month picture. I take it with the same pillow each month on her birthday so I can compare her growth. Kyle's ten month picture, always in the same chair, was his bum as he climbed out. I could not manage to snap a picture before he turned to get down. I finally figured that was just the picture that would describe him that month!
Erin had a blast with these balloons!
Yet again, Kyle, this can't be comfortable!
Erin's deer-in-the-headlights look is saying, "You cannot be taking a picture of me with my hair like this mommy!!"
We had a great dinner with some friends last night. Their daughter Carly and Kyle are great buddies. Here is Carly holding Erin, and then Kyle and Carly goofing around with some glasses.
And yet again... this was today. Kyle slept through Erin playing next to him. The deal is that Kyle is trying to give up naps, but really isn't ready to. So this happens.
And finally, a picture for my friend Jessica, who is an amazing bird photographer. I watched these two birds fluffing their home this morning from the bathroom window as I got ready.


Crystal said...

It is about time! HA HA I have been waiting for new pictures. :) They are adorable. I can't believe how big Erin is getting.

Sara said...

I can't believe how long it took you to post!! Great pics! I have no idea how Kyle sleeps like that, lol. And Erin's crazy hair pic is too cute!

nana said...

Greaaaaat pics....Erin's hair is a riot...and I'm sure you are glad that Kyle sleeps---where ever it is!!

Jill said...

I love that Kyle just drops and falls asleep wherever. Why doesn't he just listen to you and take a nap? LOL! Love Erin's photos as well. What a cute, happy baby.

Jessica said...

Aw, Thanks for the birdie photo. You've got yourself a pair of house sparrows. I like your bird house. I like rustic looking ones.

Great shots of the kids as always.