Thursday, April 16, 2009

Happy 11 months, Erin!!

Happy 11 months Erin, you’ve had a great month! Erin cruises like crazy and walks really fast holding just a pinkie. She easily stands on her own. When provoked she will take four or five steps on her own, usually falling because she is laughing so much at her accomplishment. Any day she is going to decide that she prefers walking to crawling, and then before we know it she’ll will be off and running.

Though I’ve only taught Erin a couple signs, she’s picked them up. She tells me all done when she’s had enough food, signing it with both hands. She also says something that sounds very close to done at the same time. Often Erin says other things that I’m sure are words… such as handing me something and saying “ah-go.” I think she’s saying, “Here you go!” The word I know she’s got down is hi; Erin waves and say hi ALL the time. She loves to do it, and always has a huge grin on her face. The funny thing is how often she says it to her reflection in the window – I’m not sure if she knows it is her, or she’s saying hi to that pretty girl in the window. Erin also loves the uh oh game, where she drops something just so she can say uh oh and have me pick it back up.

Erin is a really good eater now. She enjoys table food, and will eat just about anything we give her. She also really likes baby food now, too, and again will eat any of them. She’s a bottle girl all the way now and also does really well with a sippy cup on her own.

Nighttime is getting much better around here. Erin is usually up to eat once during the night, going right back to sleep, and then will sleep until between 6 and 6:30. Even getting up one time during the night is so preferable to where we used to be at!!

At Erin’s ten month birthday I thought her front teeth were about to pop through because they were big bulges. They still are, and still seem about to pop through. Although she has a bottom left tooth that I think is going to beat them in the next day or so. They are taking their time, and giving her a hard time a lot. Even through the gum pain, Erin has been cheerful.

Erin is really having fun with toys, and can entertain herself with the same toy for good stretches of time. Her favorite thing lately is to put toys into bins or boxes. She has a little box that some megablocks came in and she will put a ball in and take it out again and again and again. She usually takes it out, hands it to Mike or me, takes it back, and then puts it back in. She likes repetition right now.

As I say every month, Erin is happy, happy, happy. She always smiles and laughs. We are so blessed!


the mom~ said...

Oh she is just precious! I love that picture of her!!! Happy 11 months babe!

Crystal said...

I can not believe she is almost one! That picture is adorable.

Sara said...

I can't believe Erin is almost one!! I feel like I was just there and you were pregnant and again and she was so small! Time sure does fly!