Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Easter!! (yesterday anyway!)

We had a nice Easter weekend. It was fun to have Kyle be so into the kid-part of the holiday... you know, the stuff that has nothing to do with the real meaning of Easter, lol.

He was VERY excited about the Easter Bunny coming and hiding the eggs that we had decorated. Of course his mom kept waking up during the night, instead of thinking, "Time to make the doughnuts," I kept thinking, "Is it time to hide the eggs??" In the category of things that I worry about too much, I kept worrying about how I was going to get the eggs hidden before Kyle was up, yet not so soon before that they started to go bad. Erin helped me out by waking up at 4. I lay awake trying to fall asleep, and finally got up at 5 and hid the eggs.

We finally did get up at 6:30 and Kyle was super excited about the eggs and the baskets. Then he was really excited to get to Gran and Papa's for breakfast, and then to go to their church. He has an obssession with where people go to church, and asks me often. So much so that when Mike took him to Grand Rapids today to pick up a truck part, Kyle said, "Oh, where Aunt Susan goes to church!"

Church was really nice. I BEAMED with pride as again and again people commented on how beautiful and well behaved our children are. Ahhhhhhhh. I did have to leave with Erin at one point, not because she was crying, but because she was being a little too exhuberant.

Here are some pictures from our Easter weekend. I hope yours was wonderful as well.

He has risen. He has risen indeed.
The egg dying...
Waiting for the colors
Deep concentration. Look closely, and you'll realize why we still aren't sure if Kyle is a righty or a lefty!
Erin gets in on the action... should she eat it now? No? In the yellow, which was the color Kyle picked for Erin. :)
Finished products!
The hunt and the baskets...
Finding eggs
Kyle's basket
Erin's basket
At Gran and Papa's
Being a scrapbooker and loving photography, we didn't get quite the family photos I hoped for being unable to get two children smiling at the same time or sitting pretty together. Oh well, says who we were at that moment in time!
I did get this awesome picture of Mike and Erin.
The Ayottes... my sister Beth with my little nephew inside, my nephew Jack, and my brother-in-law Troy.
Jack and Kyle
And my parents. I would like to shout out to them, Happy 45th Anniversary!! They celebrated the milestone on Saturday. Congratulations, I love you both!
Finally, I take a picture of Kyle with this stuffed bunny and stuffed lamb each Easter. I'll do the same with Erin, but still need to snap that shot in the next day or so. Here is Kyle this year, and his very first Easter. Boy those animals have shrunk! :)


the mom~ said...

Happy Easter to the Bos as well!

nana said...

I missed being with y'all on thanks for the pics...Erin is getting so big...

Sara said...

Looks like a really fun Easter!!

Crystal said...

Looks like you guys had fun. The kids are adorable! Happy Anniversary to your parents!