Thursday, February 12, 2009

Sick boy week

Our week was quiet because Kyle came down with a pretty nasty cough and cold, curtailing some of our activities. We did get some quality snuggle time in, and watched the newly released Space Buddies (the puppies from Air Buddies and Snow Buddies.)

Here are some recent pics to catch up on, since I've now gone a week with nothing new. Enjoy!

It still surprises me to just see Erin standing. "Really mom, I need a new diaper." Kyle and DaddyThe Bos girl cousins... Isabel, Chloe, Erin, Claire and Nina. Erin looking a little puffy.My little firefighters.Erin doing one of the same things Kyle loved at that age... standing at the door.

1 comment:

the mom~ said...

Eeeekkkk...they are so cute! Love her heart jammies and hope Kyle feels better soon :)