Monday, February 16, 2009

Happy Nine Months Erin!

Erin sadly welcomed her nine-month birthday with two ear infections. There has been a lot of sickness going around and she caught all the crud. Motrin has been helping her feel better, but she’s been having a rough time of it. At the doctor’s today she weighed 17 lb 9 oz (25th percentile) and was 26.5 inches (20th percentile.)

Erin is zooming around with her hands and knees crawl. She is very fast! She pulls up on everything and has been cruising the couch. She tries to climb the stairs, and can manage a couple stairs… but we don’t let her! It doesn’t seem that walking is going to be too far off.

Erin says Mama, Dada, baba and some other “words” now. She seems to be saying Mama discriminately because she will say it when I enter or leave the room. She also seems to be saying boo when we play peek a boo – which she loves! She still likes to growl, and loves it if you growl back. We do some pretty long volleys of growling back and forth with her!

I haven’t done much sign language with Erin, and am not sure how much I will do because I think it may have contributed to Kyle talking late. (Kyle probably knew 100 signs and used them all the time.) We have recently been doing more and all done, and today she signed all done to me! I’m a little inspired to teach her now since she caught on to it so quickly.

Erin still just has her two bottom teeth, although it really seems like the top two aren’t far off. She loves eating real food, but still isn’t too crazy about baby food. Of the baby food she does eat, she loves vegetables and doesn’t like fruit too much. Just about the opposite of other babies!

As Erin gets older she plays more and more with toys. She has ones she likes, and speeds to the playroom to look for them. She also likes books, although she mostly chews on them at this point!

Erin continues to be a happy, smiley baby and very easy going.


the mom~ said...

Awwwww....happy nine months Erin, sorry you're not feeling well :(
Laura-I've heard that children that know sign languange actually learn to talk sooner then children who dont. Ethan knew many sings too and started talking in 10 word sentences at 13 months old...just some food for thought...I'd still teach her!

Mamma Mia said...

I love the 3rd picture of her! Looks like she has the attitude face!

Jessica said...

Yes, you could easily take Erin out on it in a stroller. There is a nice wooden walkway heading out to it that I think you could roll out on. There are no stairs to take. Kyle would love it. There are a lot of kid activities and kid things to see inside the nature center as well. Maybe you have already been there before.

Jill said...

Love the pictures. She looks like she has a really fun personality.

Crystal said...

She is adorable!

Sara said...

She's getting to be such a big girl!!