Friday, February 20, 2009

Kyle Skates on Thin Ice

Okay, well I don't really know how thick or thin the ice was since it was at the rink downtown, but Kyle went ice skating for the first time ever! He did REALLY well. He started out with the little "walker" for skating, then went around holding my hand, then was on his own! He did fall a few times, but was unfazed by it.

Here are some pictures from the big night. He already keeps asking to go again. :-)

"Stretching" before he goes out.Skate time. Our rink in town; it's temporary. They pull it up and in the summer it's a walkway. This is where the farmers' market is held in nice weather. And ignore my voice on this video clip, I've got the cold we've been passing around here.


Jessica said...

Wow... I'm amazed that he got the hang of it so fast. Great job Kyle.

When I was growing up we had a shallow pond on our property. Everyday day after school all winter the whole neighborhood would come down to our house and skate. I have the best memories of that pond and all that ice skating we did.

the mom~ said...

We have lots of temporary rinks in town too, anything they can fill up with a little water and smooth out...LOL
Glad he had fun, he is a doll.

Sara said...

Wow, Kyle sure picked that up quickly! Good for him! I'm glad you guys had so much fun.

Crystal said...

That looks like so much fun!