Saturday, December 20, 2008

Random thoughts from Kyle

I love watching Kyle’s mind grow. Sometimes it amazes me, sometimes it confuses me, and sometimes it just makes me giggle.

Two nights this week I have awoken to Kyle’s footsteps on the stairs, coming back up and trying to coax Mulligan along with him. “You come up Mulligan? You sleep in Mommy and Daddy’s room? Come on Mulligan!”

Kyle’s favorite game right now is to mix up words. When we drive past the river he tells us it’s the lake over and over again. We correct him and he laughs and says, “That’s not the river, that’s the lake!!” The laughter increases and eventually he’ll say, “We’re playing games!” He also does that with the water tower, calling it a water fountain until he dissolves in laughter.

Bedtime still drags on with Kyle, and one night recently I went up to ask him yet again to get in bed. When I opened his door he said, “You’re not the pizza man!” We have never had pizza delivered, so where he got that is beyond me.

Too. Kyle likes to repeat things back, with too. He’ll sneeze and I’ll bless him, only to hear, “Bless you, too, Mommy!” The other day he wanted a cereal bar and I said, “I’m sorry Kyle, we’re out. I’ll buy some when I go to the store.” Kyle said, “I’m sorry, too, Mommy.” Which is funny, because I’m sure it was true, LOL. My all time favorite, and I hope I hear it forever and ever, is, “I love you, too, Mommy.”

Santa has been a big topic lately. While Kyle emphatically wanted Cranky the Crane for weeks on end, at the beginning of this week it firmly changed to Terence the Tractor (also a Thomas the Tank Engine character.) Kyle asked me if we could see Santa again, saying, “I ask for Terence the Tractor? I ask if another boy or girl wants Cranky the Crane?” How cute is that? He felt the need to re-gift Cranky, LOL!

This morning Kyle wore his Santa hat to our favorite breakfast spot. On the way to the door I said to him, "Do you think the girls [the waitresses who all love him] will think you're Santa?" Kyle looked at me seriously and said, "Will they want to sit on my lap?"

At bedtime I always talk to Kyle about his favorite thing that day, and what we’re doing the next day. Last night he asked if Santa was coming, and I told him in a week Santa would be here. He said, “Santa Claus. That’s a great idea.” I stifled my giggles and said it sure was.


Crystal said...

Kyle is too funny!

Anonymous said... are doing such a great job of blogging about the kids--you will be so happy you did this and they will forever be grateful to their "super mom"!!

the mom~ said...

How sweet. I love the mind of a 3 year old too :)

Jessica said...

How great it is to have a 3 year old in the house at Christmas time!!

Mamma Mia said...

"Will they want to sit on my lap??" Ha ha ha. He is hilarious! I love you guys!

Colleen said...

Those are some classic lines he has there! I lol quite a bit with this post. Thanks!