Monday, April 26, 2010

Woo hoo, what a big girl!

Erin tried to climb out her crib last week and fell. While I don't think it was going to happen again anytime soon, I thought she was just ready for a bed. She loves to climb into our bed or Kyle's and pull the covers up. She loves to lay her head on a couch pillow and be covered with the blanket.

So last week we got a toddler bed from Mike's sister Susan, and today Erin and I put it together. I say Erin loosely, but I tell you, she watched me like a hawk and she would pick up a screw, put it in a hole, and use the screwdriver. The girl is going to be able to do anything!
We got the bed in her room and I put the bedding on. The crib was moved out of the way. She pointed and the bed and shouted no, running to her crib and holding on. I was amazed -- and worried that she wasn't going to go for the bed. I decided to take the crib down anyway.

Our big girl went down for her nap, and for bed tonight, without so much as a peep. She was asleep in minutes. And at bedtime she hopped right in and had to be reminded about stories!

What a big girl she is!


nana said...

Erin...I love your new bed!!
Hopefully every nite will be as good as the first!!!!

Beth said...

What a sweetie! Nothing like a sleeping child (I just wrote about that myself!!). :)

the mom~ said...

Such cute bedding!!!