Monday, November 9, 2009


I can't remember when I first began to follow Stellan's story. Or the first time I cried for him, or prayed hard for him. Or when I added him to the side bar on my blog. Stellan is a little boy who was diagnosed in the womb with a heart condition that, according to the doctors, would not allow him to live. He was not expected to live, yet this little one year old has. There have been many times when he nearly didn't, but around the world people have prayed and he has.

Today Stellan saw both extremes. He flat-lined and very nearly died. Then, during surgery, a miracle occurred and the outcome of the surgery was beyond anyone's dream. It seems he may be cured. The boy who wasn't supposed to live is potentially cured.

Praise God.


Colleen said...

Prayers were definitely heard!

the mom~ said...

Nothing short of a miracle! :)