Monday, November 2, 2009


Today Kyle turned FOUR! It's so hard to believe that he is getting so big. It's so cliche, but time really does fly by. It seems like it was just yesterday that I was sharing the news that Kyle William Bos had arrived on a Wednesday afternoon. Today that tiny bundle from back then runs, leaps and tumbles with boundless energy. His mind sharpens more each day as he amazes me with how much he grasps and understands. He memorizes songs, stories, and, well, TV shows and movies. He displays an ability to reason and be logical. He is polite and shows a sweetness that warms my heart to no end. He is also defiant, naughty and grumpy at times, but we won't share that in a birthday post. ;-)

Happy birthday my dear, sweet, amazing, wonderful Kyle!! We couldn't love you more!

1 comment:

the mom~ said...

Happy happy birthday Kyle!!!