Monday, August 31, 2009

Not Me Monday

You may have noticed that I added a Praying for Stellan button on my sidebar. I have followed this blog for quite some time now, having come across it from my friend Salena's blog. Stellan holds a little place in my heart, and I also enjoy reading about his family and I love the photography on the blog.

MckMama, Stellan's Mama, often writes a blog on Mondays called Not Me Mondays. It's a time to say, hey, guess what, I am human. I'm not perfect, and while I would like to say it was not me, well, um, it really was. So in the spirit of the fun of Not Me Mondays, here are some things that were definitely, well, not me.

It was not me who let my son pee in the dune grass because it was a far trek to the port-a-potty, and it was sure to be unclean.

It was not me who told my son he was driving me crazy, and then smiled and turned happy when said son replied, "I'm not driving you crazy Mommy, I'm driving you happy!"

It was not me who spent money on a GPS system we could probably do without, and it was not me who *really* wanted one. And it's not me who is loving having it.

It was not me who was cringing at the fact that I still have two thank you notes to send out from, hut-hmm, well, Erin's birthday. It's not me who has them written and ready to go with the kids professional pictures from May, but still hasn't gotten their mat cards finished.

It was not me who wondered on occassion when the last time was that my kids got baths.

It was not me who left the Thomas train set expansion pack in the back of the car where Kyle spotted it. And it was definitely not me who went ahead and let him have it, even though the intention was to put it away for his birthday.

It was not be who *may* have accidentally asked Mike if he wanted to book a cabin with our friends in Michigan City, but what I meant was Mackinaw City. (This may not qualify. I think I said Mackinaw City, Mike thought I said Michigan City. Not sure why anyone would want to camp in Michigan City for three days, though...)

And it was not me who didn't brush my son's teeth on said vacation to Mackinaw City.

And it was not me who went to bed later than I meant to pretty much every night lately.

There may be more, but it's not me who has a bad memory lately.


Colleen said...

I have never had the "when was the last bath" thought ever...nope, never! hehe

the mom~ said... these..and the tetth's most definatly NOT ME who forgets this chore...all too often!

nana said...

Now...I guess we'll never know the results from some of the "not me mondays"...will we???